You can find general information about the costs, risks, potential returns and functioning of the tRACER Long here:
Thinking about investing in a tRACER Long? We ask you to read the following documents thoroughly before taking an investment decision: the base prospectus
under English law, the final terms, the summary and the Key Information Document, which can also be found on the detailed page for the specific tRACER Long and on
Investors can check the price of the tRACER Long via the Euronext website.
In addition to the management fee for the tRACER Long, which is incorporated in the market price and may not exceed 1% of the issue price annually, you have to pay transaction charges to your bank or broker on purchase or sale. The tax on stock market transactions applies to purchases and sales on the secondary market. This amounts to 0.35%, with a maximum of 1 600 euros. The tRACER Long is not subject to withholding tax. You can find more information regarding the costs on page 8 of the brochure; all charges for securities transactions applying at KBC Bank NV can be consulted here.
Any complaints can be reported here. Questions about how the product works can be e-mailed to